Hey, I'm Bonnie Simon

A Programmer who loves to Design

Taking on the World, one challenge at a time!

I like to Listen, Think and Create.

You can find me here


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Check me out

👋 Hey, I'm Bonnie Simon, a Software Engineer at BigBinary

I work as a web developer. However, I'm starting to develop an affection for systems programming.
If I'm not hacking on rails, hotwire & react at my day job, then I'll be doing some recreational programming with C or Go.

Apart from programming, I enjoy designing UIs, learning about philosophy or physics, watching MMA or football, or listening to music.

Side Projects

Check out my side projects

Conway's Game of Life

C + Raylib program to simulate Conway's Game of Life

  • C
  • Raylib

ASCII art generator

Generate ASCII art from images

  • Go

Random walk algorithm

Random walk algorithm implementation

  • C
  • Raylib

Preview Mark

PreviewMark enables you to write, render, preview and share the markdown that you write🗒.

  • Typescript
  • React
  • Deta.sh
  • Express
  • Nodejs


A Firefox🦊 extension that pops out the current browser tab into a minimal popup window.

  • web-ext
  • firefox-extension
  • Javascript

Fuel Tracker

A fuel tracker to journal all my pitstops🏎

  • Typescript
  • React
  • ContextAPI
  • Express
  • Nodejs
  • API

Corona Info

A simple React web app that displays info regarding corona virus😷.

  • React
  • ChartJS
  • API


Feel free to ping me. I'd love to talk.